Pet Consultation

Friendly, Compassionate Vets

Your Pet’s care is our top priority

We know vet visits can be a scary and stressful time for your pet particularly if they are a bit nervous. We take a slow and steady approach and like to give you pet time to get to know us and relax. We like to make sure your pet doesn’t just associate going to the vet with being sick so a social visit is always a good idea, we can give your pet a few cuddles and some treats and let them get used to our team.

Senior pet checks are a great chance for us to check for any signs of arthritis or diabetes, conditions often seen in our older patients. Older pets may need to change their diet as their nutritional and exercise needs change with age.

We offer free weight checks for all pets, during which we will weigh and measure your pet and tailor a weight loss plan specifically for their needs. Overweight pets are more prone to developing conditions like arthritis and diabetes mellitus and are more at risk of anaesthetic and surgery complications so it’s very important that any weight issues are tackled. Our vets and nurses will be on hand throughout your pets’ weight loss journey to provide advice and motivation.

Puppy and kitten developmental checks allow us to ensure your pet is growing at an appropriate weight, it is also a great time to talk to us about any behaviour questions you might have.

Other Services

It is our primary aim that your animal will receive the highest standard of veterinary care. We offer a 24/7 emergency service so whether it is day or night, there will be a vet available to cater to your animal’s needs.


It is a legal requirement to have your dog microchipped & helps reunite you with your pet if they ever get lost.

Pet Vaccinations

Vaccinations are hugely important for pets. They help to protect your pet against diseases.

Pet Insurance

Pet insurance is a brilliant investment, you can never anticipate when your pet might become unwell.

We’d love to hear from you!

Get in touch with us

Our Location

Divilly Veterinary Clinic
Church Rd,
Co. Galway

(093) 36501


Opening Hours

Mon – Fri: 8:30am – 6pm
Sat: 9am – 1pm
Sun: Closed

24 Hour Emergency Service Available
Call 093 36501

We’d love to hear from you!

Get in touch with us

Our Location

Divilly Veterinary Clinic
Church Rd,
Co. Galway

(093) 36501


Opening Hours

Mon – Fri: 8:30am – 6pm
Sat: 9am – 1pm
Sun: Closed

24 Hour Emergency Service Available
Call 093 36501

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